Kappie Bliss
Kappie Bliss, B.S., MEd is a retired LPC, counselor, program developer and parent educator/coach who has spent over 40 years in the mental health, prevention, health promotion and substance abuse field.
Kappie is passionate about working with women, children and youth and has spent her entire career working to help them live healthy, more fulfilling lives. During her 20 plus years working in schools she served children/youth in grades K-12 in a variety of roles including developing and coordinating an innovation Student Assistance Program for Eanes ISD. She is the program developer of one of the first 100 evidence-based prevention programs in the US and was a pioneer in recognizing the importance of the brain in the growth and development of children and youth.
Kappie feels that parenting is one of the toughest jobs she has ever encountered – she has been a mother of two daughters (one being ATFG founder, Shayna Barksdale) a single mom, a step mom, a grandmother to two granddaughters and a step grandmother. She is eager to share her knowledge and expertise to help others meet their parenting challenges with her new program creation, Calming the Chaos: For Girls and Their Family.