Courage Camp

We are proud to offer Courage Camp for elementary and junior high girls!

Girls will spend four days together doing outdoor or physical activities, engaged in powerful therapeutic lessons, learning skills for school success, and of course afternoon fun activities!

Key Therapeutic Activities

  • Courage: What it is, How to Have More
  • Tools to Calm Down During Anxious and Stressful Times
  • Friendship Skills
  • Finding your Superpower

Courage Camp is limited to only 10 participants per group, so be sure to inquire today!

Courage Camp: 4th and 5th graders

M-TH 9:30-11:30
Aug 5th-Aug 8th
Cost: $400

Additional camps added in afternoon once these are full

Courage Camp: 6th and 7th graders

M-TH 1pm-3pm
Aug 5th-Aug 8th
Cost: $400

Additional camps added in afternoon once these are full

Spaces are limited, so register today!

To register, submit this form on our website or call us at 512-981-5279

Get Your Sh*t Together:

A High School and College Workshop

Are you worried about your daughter’s upcoming year of high school or college? Are you feeling like she’s not quite ready to take on the challenges ahead? If so, then you need to sign her up for our Get Your Shit Together workshop!

In this workshop, we’ll cover everything your daughter needs to know to succeed in high school and college. We’ll talk about time management, study skills, stress management, and how to stay motivated. We’ll also help her develop a plan for her future, so she knows what she wants to achieve and how she’s going to get there.

This workshop is designed to help your daughter:

  • Identify her strengths and weaknesses
  • Set realistic goals
  • Develop a plan to achieve her goals
  • Overcome obstacles and challenges
  • Manage her time effectively
  • Improve her study skills
  • Build her confidence

GYST High School Workshop

3 day Thurs, Fri and Saturday
Aug 8th, 9th and 10th

Additional workshops added once these are full

GYST College Workshop

3 day Tues, Wed and Thurs
Aug 13th, 14th and 15th

Cost: $300

Additional workshops added in afternoon once these are full

The GYST workshop is a valuable investment in your daughter’s future. Spaces are limited, so register today!

To register, submit this form on our website or call us at 512-981-5279

Please check our instagram page here to stay up to date with groups and workshops or sign up for our monthly newsletter here.

This list is updated weekly. If you do not see openings for your current group call 512-981-5279 or e-mail us to get on a waiting list.