Kimberly Eerkes, LCSW headshot

Kimberly Eerkes


Kimberly Eerkes is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, (LCSW).  Living a nomadic lifestyle early on, she claimed Austin as her home after graduating with her Masters from the University of Texas and is regularly surprised that she has lived here for over 30 years.  Thirty years has given her a lot of time to support her Austin community.

She spent a decade supporting preteens, teens and their families struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, difficult life events and conditions and other big emotions in the public school system.  In addition, she has provided counseling support across the private and public sector to individuals seeking help for a variety of life’s challenges including grief, relationship difficulties, work stressors, substance use and other mental health disorders.

Along with her favorite number, which happens to be 7, she also has 5 favorite words- Hope, Possibility, Purpose, Empowerment and Advocacy.   She has positioned her work around these words and taps into evidence based practices while helping people to show up in the best possible way across all domains of their life.  She pulls from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment, and Solution Focused Brief Therapy to name a few.  Above all, she is a firm believer in the healing power of connection to oneself and to others.

While parenting does not stop when children graduate school, she has found herself with a bit more time to explore other life passions.   When not thoroughly immersed in work or caring for family, she can be found hiking, mountain biking, enjoying music and movies, laughing with friends and family, loving on her fur babies and exploring and crafting ways to travel to new destinations.  She also loves a good quote and invites you to share yours with her!

“Gentleness clears the soul, love cleans the mind and makes it free.” ~David Bowie

“Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.” ~ Mark Twain

“Think vastly, act narrowly” ~ Binderiya

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